My favorite NBA teams

My favorite NBA team is the golden state warriors. My favorite players are Klay Thompson, Steph Curry, and Kevin Durant. I also like the pacers they are pretty good but there best player is out for the rest of the season his name is Victor Oladipo. My favorite college team is Purdue they made it to the playoffs and lost to Virginia. I want Michigan State to win the final four. Those were my favorite NBA teams and College team. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBye.

My wild self

I picked a normal avatar because I wanted to look real because I don,t have wings, tail,s and horns. I did not put a strange name I did my regular name  Gunner. It was very fun making myself I made a couple of mistakes It was still fun

Fire safety

           Today the fire department came to are school we learned about fire safety. We all wrote a letter to the fire department when they were done talking went into the smoke house.

My first blog post ever

Hello my name is Gunner I am in second grade my teachers name is Mrs. Ranard. I like to learn math, reading and spelling. If I have homework I get it done right away after that I play football. my favorite show is talking tom It is funny my favorite charicter is Ben. My favorite game is minecraft im am a farmer I have a garden it grows pumpkins, melons, wheat and beets. I have sheep, pigs cows and chickins I have a pet wolf named wolfy. my house is made out of bricks I am building a shed.